Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cutie Potootie!

My youngest, completely attached 3 year old, is extremely nurturing. She adores her baby dolls and stuffed animals. Any trip to a store is accompanied with pleas for toys...for her babies. Literally. She will settle for small toys from the baby isles after I say no to a play yard, carseat or stroller, in actual baby sizes. When she moved into a twin bed, she refused to let me get rid of her toddler bed, moving it to the other side of her room for her babies. Any baby room decorations I have taken down must then be hung next to the crib or toddler bed for her babies. Seeing a trend here? With her stuffed animals, they are usually all named after special people in her life and must all have a leash. Anything stuffed in her room has some sort of rope around its neck. She drags those things everywhere. In summation, she has babies that have actual rattlers, pacifiers, blankets, bottles, etc. They sleep in an crib or toddler bed and can't be left home. If they are left home when she goes to visit her grandparents, she will call and ask about them, making sure they don't miss her too much and I am taking good care of them. Her room is full of stuffed animals of every kind, all with nooses. But today...today she took it to even another level:

Apparently, vacuums need leashes too.

1 comment:

marythemom said...


When I was little I wanted a dog, but my mom was allergic, so I put a leash on my infant sister and taught her to bark. My mom made me move the leash from her neck to her tummy.

Nothing to do with your post, but thanks for reminding me.

Hugs and prayers,
Mary in TX