Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Lovely World of Pee

For many of the blogs I read by amazing moms of RADlings, they (you) appear to have the "bring it on" attitude as in, "Is that all you've got? ROAR!!" Yeah, well I do not currently have that attitude in case anyone was wondering. I am tired. Tired.

Tonight, AE had a pee accident on her way from bed to the bathroom. As I was cleaning this up, Miss H begins to knock, knock on her door. Now earlier, about 10 minutes before bedtime, she was feeling "ill" as usual. Some nights I appease her because if I don't, it turns into a drawn out tantrum. I wasn't feeling it tonight so I told her to take a bowl to her room in case she felt worse. So when she knocked later I had the knee-jerk reaction of my eyes rolling into the back of my head. I can't imagine why... I opened her door to see that beautiful little face looking horribly "ill" with big eyes full of tears. She said she threw up in the bowl. I looked in the bowl, "H, this isn't puke." Confused and innocent look takes over her face, "Well....then what is it?" she asks. "Ummm, why don't you tell me?" She gives the idunno whisper. "This looks like pee." Blank stare...."nnn-nnoooo" she stammers. So I smelled it because that is what we do, sniff pee. "Yep, it's pee." I swear there was a smirk on her face looking back at me. I tell her to go to bed and so now, I am fully awake.

AE no longer can go into any room in our house if no one else is there because she is scared. H is also the same way unless she is doing something fun in that room alone. H tells AE that someone will get her, harm her. H told AE that shadows are evil ghosts...AE clobbers H on a pretty continual basis because H invites her to do so, so that she can get "hurt." Now AE does it without invitation because she thinks it is a game. She hits her, pulls her hair, jumps on her, all things AE gets in trouble for and doesn't understand why. AE only does it to H and no one else. She says it's fun and H is only fake crying. Which is true even though she is actually crying, she isn't actually hurt, usually. Sometimes she probably is because AE is strong. I have no idea how to explain to AE all the things H does and says is for her selfish benefit so I have just finally said no touching at all between the two, ever. Which takes away hugs, ring around the rosy, dancing together, etc. They are pretty upset and AE is completely confused. I already supervise them all but I am going to amp that up so she can't tell AE anything. I can't cook in the kitchen which overlooks the living room where they play anymore, because I can't always hear their conversations.

I am at a loss...

1 comment:

marythemom said...

I have soooo BTDT. Mine are not allowed to touch each other at all.

We had a horrible issue when the kids first got here. My biodaughter told her new sister that the cousins that were spending Christmas with us (what?! I knew nothing of RAD, attachment, bonding with my new kids at the time!), that the cousins would hate my new daughter. The girls fought like cats and dogs, and even drew blood. It was horrid. The good news is that they seem to have grown out of it.

My adopted son intimidates, teases, parents, and just plain tortures the others to such an extent that we all have PTSD. I know exactly how you feel about monitoring your child's every move and wanting to just say you can't talk to any of the other kids, period.
