Saturday, August 7, 2010


I am exhausted! The level at which H is working is amazing. Constant! Con-Stant! The living in her own world and expecting us to live there too. The tantrums, the guilt trips, setting up situations, playing dumb, verbally putting our family into every scenario she hears about and wanting to know how I would react, the BUGS and SPIDERS and anything else she can find to freak out about, the getting "hurt" EVERYtime I ask her to do something, the continual ways she "gets" AE to hurt her, throw her down, and other impossible things. Mostly, the things she exposes AE to. My 3 year old came to me last night and said H told her to come tell me to go to hell. H got to go to bed early and due to the tantrum that ensued, she got more chores. I explained to AE that she knows when something is inappropriate so she needed to beware that she could get into trouble for doing things she knows is wrong. Just starting with that, the teachings will continue, of course.

I used to see glimpses of RAD, then it was 50% and I don't know where H is.

1 comment:

marythemom said...

"Hey Mom, if I did that (whatever inappropriate, dangerous, or annoying thing she just saw on TV or saw a kid doing) you would be mad wouldn't you?" It's not irritating in and of itself. I just get sick of hearing it over and over and over. In other words you have my sympathy.

Mary in TX