Yesterday, she blew a gasket because she had to do the same chore she always has to do. Ok, that isn't why but that is what she reacted to. She locked her brother and I out. Then gave me all kinds of 'tude through the door as I told her the chore list was adding up. "I don't care", "Fine!", etc. She even stuck her tongue out at me. Then the door was " stuck" and couldn't be unlocked. Then I was going to "beat" her if she opened it, (I don't touch my kids negatively), then it was unlocked but just couldn't open. I just sat there smiling. M commented that it was going to be a loooong day. I told H it was ok, I had plenty to keep me busy outside. M said, but I don't want to stay outside all day. I laughed and said, that's ok because she doesn't want to be in there alone, either. And not a minute later she remembered she is scared to be in the house alone and the door magically opened. I didn't go in right away but when I did, she continued to kiss my booty for the next hour never complaining about her extended chore list. She tried the attitude again today but I caught it quickly, made her laugh about being so silly, and the escalation never occurred.
And yeah, I keep a key on me now.
Tiffany Key Necklaces
Yuck- power trips are so tiring. {{{Hugs}}}
Did you TELL her you have a key on you now, or are you just going to let her figure it out the next time she does it and you come barreling through?!?! lololol
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